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Kamis, 18 September 2008



Ada banyak pertanyaan tentang bagaimana harus memulai sebuah usaha. Jawabannya pun beraneka. Ada yang harus cari modal dulu, ada yang harus mempelajari pasar, bahkan yang ekstrim ada yang mengatakan modalnya nekad saja! Semuanya tak salah. Sebab, dari mana saja mau mulai berwirausaha, asal punya niat, tekad, ketekunan, keuletan, semangat tak mudah menyerah, pasti akan ada hasil yang dicapai.

Banyak contoh nyata orang yang bermodal nekad bisa jadi pengusaha sukses. Tak sedikit pula pengusaha yang berawal dari persiapan matang akhirnya benar-benar sukses membesarkan usahanya. Salah satu contoh nyata, orang yang berkemauan kuat dan bisa sukses berkat kerja kerasnya yakni Andrie Wongso. Meski dari keluarga miskin, dengan prinsip: "Sukses adalah hak saya" ia mampu menjadi pengusaha sukses hingga kini.

Apa yang dilakukan Andrie Wongso dan banyak pengusaha sukses lain ini bisa diwakili oleh sebuah kalimat bijak yang sudah sering kita dengar, yakni asal ada kemauan, pasti ada jalan, "When there is a will, there is a way." Nah, lantas, jika kita sudah ada kemauan, usaha apa yang bisa ditekuni? Pilihannya sangat beragam. Untuk mengeksplorasi jenis usaha apa saja yang bisa ditekuni sebenarnya cukup gampang. Modalnya hanyalah ATM, yakni Amati, Tirukan, dan Modifikasi.

1. Amati.

Yang perlu dilakukan hanyalah dengan melihat sekeliling Anda. Ada banyak bertebaran jenis usaha yang bisa Anda tekuni. Mulai dari yang sudah banyak digeluti oleh orang lain, maupun usaha-usaha yang menurut Anda masih jarang yang disentuh orang lain. Atau, dari pengamatan itu, barangkali Anda bisa menemukan sejumlah kebutuhan orang yang belum tersentuh sehingga bisa jadi ladang bisnis yang baru.

Ambil contoh, lihat kendaraan berseliweran di jalanan. Kalau Anda bisa utak-atik kendaraan, kenapa tidak coba buka usaha bengkel? Biar lebih spesifik layanannya, buat bengkel yang siap dipanggil kapan saja, kalau perlu 24 jam!

2. Tirukan.

Untuk menjalankan bisnis yang berhasil, coba tirukan bisnis yang ramai mendapat pelanggan di sekitar Anda. Misalnya Anda melihat pedagang bakso yang ramai. Coba, lihat apa yang membuatnya laris. Apakah lokasinya, rasanya, atau mungkin pelayanannya yang unik. Tirukan saja, apa kunci sukses yang membuatnya ramai.

Salah satu cara meniru yang sekarang sedang tren yaitu usaha dengan sistem waralaba. Pemilik usaha dengan sistem waralaba sebenarnya sudah merelakan usahanya di-copy paste oleh jaringan waralabanya, dan itu sah-sah saja, bahkan senang karena jaringan usahanya makin membesar. Karena itu, jangan segan jika bertemu dengan bisnis yang ramai, kalau mau ajaklah kerja sama, dengan begitu dalam meniru langkah suksesnya Anda bisa lebih pasti.

3. Modifikasi.

Kalau sudah menemukan jenis usaha yang akan dicontoh, jangan asal contek saja. Ubahlah berdasar kreativitas Anda. Misalnya biar makin ramai Anda gunakan cara yang unik, contoh bikin bakso yang kotak, atau bakso yang dibakar. Gunakan pula promosi yang unik. Misalnya beri kejutan gratis bayar untuk konsumen mangkuk ke-100, serta berbagai jenis promosi unik lainnya.

Bagaimana, sudah mulai mendapat gambaran? Yang penting, jika sudah menemukan jenis usaha yang ingin Anda geluti, segera take action! Lakukan dengan sepenuh hati dan terjuni dengan tekad kuat agar berhasil. Ingat. Peluang ada di mana-mana, tapi peluang baru benar-benar jadi uang kalau Anda mau mewujudkannya.

Posifif Thinking


Pernahkah Anda mendengar sebuah kalimat bijak, "You don't think who you are, you are what you think"? Kalau dijabarkan secara harafiah, hal ini berarti kita tidak perlu berpikir siapa kita, namun kitalah yang menentukan diri kita dengan apa yang kita pikirkan. Sederhananya, apa yang kita yakini dalam pikiran kita, itulah yang akan menjadi kenyataan.

Ya, keyakinan adalah modal dasar kita menuju kesuksesan. Dengan sebuah keyakinan 100 persen, ditambah kerja keras, perjuangan pantang menyerah, keuletan, kedisplinan dalam memperjuangkan apa yang kita yakini tersebut, jalan menuju sukses akan dapat kita raih. Hal itu sudah saya buktikan sendiri.

Keyakinan saya bahwa "success is my right!" yang sangat kuat membuat saya selalu mau berjuang keras untuk mewujudkan semua cita-cita saya. Maka, ketika dulu kehidupan saya miskin, dengan perjuangan sepenuh hati dan dilandasi keyakinan kuat tersebut, saya akhirnya bisa meraih semua apa yang saya impikan.

Memang tidak mudah meraih semua itu. Berbagai halangan dan tantangan, pasti akan menghadang. Namun, dengan sebuah keyakinan yang kuat, maka berbagai ujian dan cobaan justru akan menjadi batu loncatan yang mampu membuat kita dapat melompat lebih tinggi. Dengan keyakinan yang kuat, kita akan memperoleh energi yang luar biasa untuk dapat mengatasi semua masalah dan persoalan yang timbul dalam usaha meraih sukses.

Untuk itu, mari kuatkan kembali keyakinan kita untuk mewujudkan semua impian. Dengan begitu, kita akan dapat terus memupuk semangat terus maju, pantang mundur.


Andrie Wongso

It was told that once in a poor remote village, there was a school having very few students because most of the school-age children had to help their parents to make a living. One day, the only school teacher in the school taught composition to his pupils. Having explained all the rules and guidance, he assigned his students to write an essay. "At home, write an essay about your dreams, about what you want to be in the future.

Tomorrow, you are supposed to read your work in front of the class.."

On the next day, each student, stood in front of the class reading his or her own writing. Most of them wanted to become teachers, farmers, or government officials, etc. The teacher, nodded his head up and down, as the sign of agreement. Then, here came his youngest student to share his dreams to the class.

He was terribly-looked; thin as a needle wearing worn out school uniform. Despite his poor-look, he boldly declared his dreams, "Someday when I grow up, I am going to have a big house up on the hill with beautiful scenery around, surrounded by small cottages for rest places. Among the house, there would be pine trees and the other shady trees. There would be a flower garden with various flowers and colors. There was also an orchard with all the most delicious fruits ever existing which could be plucked by the host and the people around. I will be a successful and happy man together with my big family and guest who go there."

And of course, the whole class burst into laughter as they were listening to the ugly-looked-little-thin boy's dream. "Hey day dreamer, get up from your nap..," said his friends rudely and humiliatingly. They could not stop making fun on him, mocked him with rude words. The teacher then became a little upset. He accused the boy the cause of the boisterous noise. He said, "What you wrote was a fantasy, not dream. You should write like any other students did. Now, you must rewrite your paragraph. Write like your friends!"

"Teacher, this is my real dream. It's not a fantasy, it can be realized," insisted the youngest student.

"Hey son... you are living in a poor village, your family is also a poor one. How can you make all your dreams come true? What a dreamer you are! Now you must write another logical dream," said the teacher impatiently.

"I don't want any other dreams. This is my only dream" said the boy with persistence.

"Please bring a new essay tomorrow. If you don't want to revise your writing, I will give the lowest mark," warned the teacher trying to threat him.

The next morning, the youngest student did not bring any new composition. Although he was threatened and mocked that way before the class, he still insisted on his dreams. Due to his stubbornness to his teacher's assignment, he got the worst mark in class.

Thirty years had passed; the teacher was still a teacher at the school. One day he took his students to have a study tour to a well-known orchard up on a hill in the village nearby. As he and his students stepped their feet on the spacious and beautiful orchard, they were amazed. Besides the orchard, there was a big and beautiful flower garden too surrounded by shady and cool trees around. What astonished them more was the big house standing tall, sturdy and beautifully-designed in the middle of the garden like a palace.

"He who built this palace must be a great man.. How can I just figure this out that there is such a heavenly place around...," said the teacher in amazement. Suddenly he heard a voice, "No, it is not a great man who built this place. It is just a naughty student who dared to have a big dream. Surely, his teacher who educated him is supposed to be greater than him. Let's come inside and have the best tea and fruit from this garden," said the voice warmly.

The teacher was shocked having heard the answer. He was astonished. His mind wondered back to a scene 30 years ago. And slowly he began to recognize who the man standing in front of him now was. Yes, he was that stubborn student, the one who did not want to change his dream and got the worst mark of all in the class. And now he had become a very successful businessman. His eyes were wet. He felt great and relieved and at the same time shameful as he mocked the boy's dream 30 years ago.

Dear readers,

If we want to realize and observer carefully, there are lots of spectacular accomplishments from the past centuries up to the millennium era today. All were born and started by an embryo.

Because of a dream, a plane was created.

Because of a dream, we can enjoy the greatness of a computer.

Because of a dream too, our life quality is increasing.

Of course, to consummate all the dreams into reality, we need the other powers. The powers should be cultivated in our inner selves, namely : The Power of bravery, trial, fight, dare to fail and dare to succeed.

Most of the time, the obstacles of someone's success is not due to his/her weakness that he/she has. But more, because they do not have a strong dream that they believe and then fight for full heartedly.

In relation to my own experience, when I got a dream to be a movie star in Hong Kong because I knew that I had the skill of martial arts, good-looking face and athletic body, but on the other hand, I had a poor family background, low education, coolie, inexperience, isn't that all the joke ever in this world?

Look of mockeries and doubts arose every time people heard of my dream. Some friends did not believe in my dream and considered it ass too high to reach. Some worried that my dream would not be consummated. Some paid pity to see me steel-like determination and fight, I made my dream to be a Hong Kong movie star.

Mockeries and doubts from other people to any big dreams were also faced by great people in the world. But these people never stopped by the mockeries and doubts. Because for those who have rich mentality, mockeries and doubts are unpaid vitamins that needed to trigger their struggle in life.

Therefore, if there are several people who mock at and doubt our dream, don't let that worry you. Just one best answer ever, strengthen your determination and spirit, and prove them that we have the right and able to get whatever best for our life.